What’s My Home Worth in 2023? What is the Value of My House? How have the increasing interest rates affected my Home’s Value in 2023| Grimsby, Ontario|MLS® REALTOR®|

What Is My House Worth? Valuing Your Property:

Selling My Property / Pricing Your property

Knowing what your property is worth is an essential step towards completing a successful sale of your home. Property valuation is the process of analysing a home in order to determine what its real estate price is on the current market. This value is important because it can help you determine what the right listing price will be to attract potential buyers, and maximize your profits. Because there are numerous factors that go into property valuation, it’s a good idea to use the services of professionals in order to get the most up-to-date market information.

Buying or selling a home can be emotional or even stressful, because it is such a major financial transaction. Having the expertise of a professional real estate agent on your side can make a world of difference in how smoothly the process runs. Although there are many indicators that can help you place a value on your home, the most accurate and realistic figures will come from professional sources. Online valuation sources are good, but make sure they are backed by a local, licensed REALTOR® who is experienced and knows the market in your area. Don’t rely on valuation sources from an automated website generated without the expertise and knowledge that a local, professional REALTOR® adds to the process.

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Using the Services of a Real Estate Agent

The Right Listing Price can make a Big $$$ Difference!

For those who have just decided to put a property on the market, getting a clear picture of what your home is worth is an important first step. Although there are other sources that could provide some insight, the most reliable and cost-effective source is a real estate agent. It’s a real estate agent’s profession to follow the current market and know the most accurate price of your home. For best results, you’ll want to choose a real estate agent who has a strong working knowledge of your local area.

A local agent will not only know how houses are valued in general, but they will also be familiar with the specific variables that will affect your home’s value. These could include the number of comparable homes for sale in your neighbourhood, how long these homes have been on the market, and what the latest selling prices have been for comparable properties. They will have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in your local market, and can use this as a guide to give you a more accurate value. Because each agent will have a unique perspective, you may wish to get in contact with several local agents to discuss your needs. Their professional opinions can then be pooled together to give you a broad idea of how your home fits into the market.

Internet Sources of Information

In addition to using the services of a skilled and seasoned professional in your area, you may wish to use the internet as a general source of information. However, these are not a good substitution for a professional’s assistance. They won’t give you specific information about a property’s true condition and value in a way that a real estate agent can, nor will they have the kind of insider information that a local agent would be able to give you. Many important variables that can affect a home’s value will only be noticeable during an in-person inspection, which is why these online reports should only be used as a general guideline.

The Importance of an Accurate Valuation

What’s the Value of My Home?

When choosing the right real estate agent to represent your home, you’ll want to look at their expertise, experience, and reputation. As you start to receive and compare proposals for marketing your home from different agents, you can get valuations from them for free. Choosing an accurate valuation is very important, because if the price is set too high or too low it could compromise your transaction.

If the house price has been set too high, you may not receive any serious offers. This could lead to your home being on the market for a longer time period, which may scare away further buyers who may believe that something is inherently wrong with the property. Buyers are suspicious of properties that have been on the market for too long, thinking that there may be something undesirable about this property that has prevented it from being sold. They could also feel that they have the right to bargain for a lower price when it comes to properties that have been on the market longer.

Yet there are also dangers to setting the bar too low. This could also scare away buyers who may perceive that the property is low priced due to flaws or imperfections. Furthermore, you won’t receive the money you deserve even if the house sells quickly. A good real estate agent will be able to prevent both of these scenarios by helping you set the listing price as realistically and accurately as possible.

Factors that Affect Value

Factors such as your home’s overall size, quality of fixtures, and number of appliances will all weigh into its current value. However, there is far more that goes into this price. Your real estate agent will be able to help you compare your home to recently sold properties in your area, looking at further features such as the size of the lot and the home’s amenities. It’s also important to look at the current market in your neighbourhood. The right agent will have a strong working knowledge of comparable homes in the area and their sales prices, to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

Home improvements, upgrades, repairs, or extensions could also add to the value of your property. If you have made any home improvements in recent years, be sure to let your agent know about these so that they can factor this into the valuation. The neighbourhood itself will also factor into home values. Are there shopping centres, supermarkets, schools, parks, and hospitals nearby? Convenient public transport links and vicinity to metropolitan areas will all affect home values, as will crime rates and traffic levels.

Working with the Right Professional

Placing a value on your property is a complicated task, involving many variables which will change over time. Working with the right real estate agent will help you see the bigger picture and where your property fits in. Taking all of these factors into account will help you set a more accurate listing price, improving your chances of selling your home quickly and for the value it deserves.

You can get started with the process of valuing your home by clicking on the banner below and completing our Home Evaluation Form.

Once it is submitted, we’ll review the information and one of our Local, Knowledgeable REALTORS® will conduct a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) of your home.

We’ll then e-mail you our results so that you can make a more informed decision as to the value of your home.

Complete the form and our report will be delivered to your email! It’s fast, simple and free!

All we need is an e-mail address and the information about your home. So, get started at your convenience. It will only take you less than a minute to complete.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

How to Negotiate a Real Estate Commission Rate | Hamilton Ontario|

How to Negotiate a Real Estate Commission Rate | Hamilton Ontario|

When choosing any REALTOR® to sell your home, be it a low commission rate REALTOR®, a one percent commission rate REALTOR® or a high commission rate REALTOR®; make sure he/she is an experienced, qualified, Full-Time REALTOR® who will place your home on the local MLS® and on Realtor.ca. The MLS® exposure is one of the most important tools that REALTORS® have to sell your home.

Commission rates may vary from brokerage to brokerage. Therefore, in order to find a REALTOR® that will provide the MLS® Listing exposure that you want AND a low commission rate, you’ll need to find a REALTOR® who is prepared to take a very small commission amount for himself/herself as a Listing Commission AND provide a comparable Selling Brokerage Commission to the Buyer’s REALTOR®.

When negotiating for your best commission rate, simply ask the REALTOR® what his/her best TOTAL Commission rate will be for selling your home. Make sure that you negotiate the TOTAL Commission rate not just the Listing Commission Rate. Make sure that the Total Commission rate that you are negotiating will include both the listing brokerage commission and the selling brokerage commission. The selling brokerage commission is the commission paid (from the Total Commission) to the buyers brokerage (the brokerage that brings the offer and the buyers). You’ll want to compare the Total Commission of a number of REALTORS® as well as the service, experience and knowledge of these various REALTORS®. Then, choose the one that best suits your needs.

You don’t need to get caught up with the colour of the sign on your lawn or with which REALTOR® sends you magnets for your fridge every month. Your search for a good REALTOR® just needs to consider what experience the REALTOR® has to offer, his/her qualifications , whether the REALTOR® is a Full-Time real estate professional and will be committed to working on selling your property Full-time and not as a hobby AND the TOTAL COMMISSION that you’ll have to pay for his/her REALTOR® Services. Remember also that it is important to use a low commission REALTOR® that has experience at selling homes using a low commission approach.

A traditional commission REALTOR® may sometimes give a low commission on a one-off basis to simply compete with a low commission brokerage. But, you must consider if the traditional brokerage will have the experience to know how to sell homes using the low commission approach. The low commission REALTOR® must be willing and able to take a much lower Total Commission than the traditional REALTOR® that charges a traditional commission rate. The REALTOR® that uses a low commission strategy with all Listings and has the proven results and experience with the low commission approach will best be able to employ this type of strategy.

Below are some additional tips about choosing a REALTOR® as described by Fabrice Taylor and Published in The Globe and Mail as a Special Report (Published Tuesday, Mar. 13 2012).
Fabrice Taylor writes about investing in Report on Business.

People spend more time shopping for a TV than for a real estate agent. This, sadly, can cost them thousands of dollars, and often does.

When house prices are surging and a modest home can cost $600,000, excitement can lead to indifference about what agents charge. But that’s a mistake under any circumstance. Homeowners who understand how the realty business works, which this little primer will attempt to explain, will be far better off.

Don’t hire a friend

The easiest mistake is hiring an agent simply because you know him or her – it’s a friend, a second cousin or just an acquaintance. You might not even want to hire that person, but it’s awkward to say no, or to haggle.

A friend of mine who wanted to sell his house hired his childhood pal because he pressed him for the listing. The agent sold the house in two days, which my friend at first thought was great work. When he discovered it sold fast because it was very underpriced, he had second thoughts. He paid $22,000 for this “service.”

Takeaway tip: Make your agent earn your business whether you know him or not.

Myth: You get what you pay for

Most people think commission rates are high but accept them anyway. There are full-service discount realtors who charge less and offer the same service. Why hasn’t this caught on faster?

Some homeowners are convinced by the industry that “you get what you pay for.” That’s what traditional agents always say. But it’s clearly not true. Are agents working twice as hard today as they were 10 or 15 years ago? Obviously not, yet commissions have doubled in that time along with home prices. Rates vary by province but assuming a 5-per-cent commission, the cost of selling an average-priced house in Toronto is $25,000 today compared, with half that a decade or so ago.

If you got what you paid for, they’d be working two times harder right? In fact, technology – Internet, smartphones, iPads – has made their jobs a lot easier. Commissions are too high in many cases. But what’s the right number? Is it 1 per cent? Or 3 per cent?

Takeaway tip: You should always negotiate the commission. Before you even let an agent in your door, ask them what they charge

How the realty industry operates

Before answering the 1 per cent or 3 per cent question above, you have to understand how the industry works. Agents who work for big-name firms have to charge a lot because they’re charged big fees, as much as $2,000 a month. It’s not that agents are greedy; it’s that big firms are charging them through the nose.

Takeaway tip: Avoid agents with big overheads; they’re more likely to be desperate to generate a quick commission to pay their bills, even if it’s at your expense.

Final takeaway tip: Do your homework and shop around. It may be old-school advice, but it’s so worth it.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

Why some Real Estate Agents need to charge High Commission Rates instead of Low Commission Rates| Hamilton Ontario| REALTOR MLS|

Why some Real Estate Agents need to charge High Commission Rates instead of Low Commission Rates| Hamilton Ontario| REALTOR MLS|

If you spent your working day performing tasks that did not make money for yourself or your employer, you would also have to charge a lot of money when you did FINALLY make some money.

This is the reason that many REALTORS® need to charge high commission rates. The truth is that many REALTORS® spend most of their working day searching for work, not doing work. They spend time knocking on doors or cold calling prospective buyers or sellers. They spend huge amounts of money marketing their services and promoting themselves and their Brands. Very expensive sources such as radio spots, billboards, newspaper ads, magazine ads, on-line marketing and other sources are used to try to obtain new customers for their services. Their brokerages do not provide them with clients. The individual REALTORS® need to go out and find their own clients. This means that these costs will have to be recouped through the commission fees they charge when they finally do get a client. These costs are largely unrelated to the actual services that the client will receive from the REALTOR®.

Further, these REALTORS® spend countless hours providing Free Evaluations of homes to people that may not even be selling their homes now just so that they can meet home sellers and possibly make them their clients in the future. And, even if they are selling now, the home owners may be obtaining 4, 5 or even more Free Home Evaluations from various REALTORS®. This means that all but one of the evaluations will have been a waste of work, time and resources for all the other REALTORS® that do not get that listing. This waste of time for the REALTOR® will have to be made up in the Commission Rate charged to their client when he/she does in fact get a client.

Of course a REALTOR® will need to charge a high commission when he/she finally does get a client using this antiquated and inefficient approach.

Rather than performing the job of selling homes, they are wasting their time and money trying to find clients to work for. As the authors of Freakonomics (economists Dubner and Levitt) write, “Most real-estate agents seem to spend 95 percent of their energy chasing clients (for which they are paid nothing) and 5 percent actually serving them (for which they are paid way too much).” This suggests that 95% of an agent’s time is wasted on tasks that do not provide any results for the client. This inefficiency is what causes high commission rates to have to be charged to the home sellers.

Our approach is totally different. Because we offer low commission rates, clients find us directly through the internet, our website and through word of mouth referrals. We get many more clients than if we were charging higher commission rates. This frees up our time and resources so that we can provide our clients the REALTOR® services that they have actually hired us to perform: listing their homes on the MLS®, marketing the property, securing an offer and negotiating the sale of the home. Additionally, many of our clients that have received a low commission rate when selling their homes will also need to buy another home. Therefore, we again do not need to waste our time and resources searching for buyers. Since we don’t need to waste time searching for clients to work with, we can focus on providing our buyer clients with the REALTOR® services they need to find the home they really want.

This system makes much more sense than the traditional high commission rate approach to real estate sales. It’s a win-win for both the home owner and our REALTORS®. The inefficiencies of the traditional approach have been largely eliminated. Therefore, the client can get all of the benefits of MLS® and REALTOR® service without the inefficiencies and costs associated with these inefficiencies.

It’s that simple. That’s why, since 1995, our low commission rate approach has been working so well for our brokerage. And, why it’s been so appealing for our clients.

The proof that this low commission approach is so powerful is in the fact that more and more home sellers are choosing to pay low commission rates for great MLS® and REALTOR® service. Why would YOU want to pay MORE?

See the video below for details. Or, visit our website at www.coronarealty.ca .

Why some Real Estate Agents need to charge High Commission Rates instead of Low Commission Rates| Ancaster Ontario| REALTOR MLS|

Why some Real Estate Agents need to charge High Commission Rates instead of Low Commission Rates| Ancaster Ontario| REALTOR MLS|

If you spent your working day performing tasks that did not make money for yourself or your employer, you would also have to charge a lot of money when you did FINALLY make some money.

This is the reason that many REALTORS® need to charge high commission rates. The truth is that many REALTORS® spend most of their working day searching for work, not doing work. They spend time knocking on doors or cold calling prospective buyers or sellers. They spend huge amounts of money marketing their services and promoting themselves and their Brands. Very expensive sources such as radio spots, billboards, newspaper ads, magazine ads, on-line marketing and other sources are used to try to obtain new customers for their services. Their brokerages do not provide them with clients. The individual REALTORS® need to go out and find their own clients. This means that these costs will have to be recouped through the commission fees they charge when they finally do get a client. These costs are largely unrelated to the actual services that the client will receive from the REALTOR®.

Further, these REALTORS® spend countless hours providing Free Evaluations of homes to people that may not even be selling their homes now just so that they can meet home sellers and possibly make them their clients in the future. And, even if they are selling now, the home owners may be obtaining 4, 5 or even more Free Home Evaluations from various REALTORS®. This means that all but one of the evaluations will have been a waste of work, time and resources for all the other REALTORS® that do not get that listing. This waste of time for the REALTOR® will have to be made up in the Commission Rate charged to their client when he/she does in fact get a client.

Of course a REALTOR® will need to charge a high commission when he/she finally does get a client using this antiquated and inefficient approach.

Rather than performing the job of selling homes, they are wasting their time and money trying to find clients to work for. As the authors of Freakonomics (economists Dubner and Levitt) write, “Most real-estate agents seem to spend 95 percent of their energy chasing clients (for which they are paid nothing) and 5 percent actually serving them (for which they are paid way too much).” This suggests that 95% of an agent’s time is wasted on tasks that do not provide any results for the client. This inefficiency is what causes high commission rates to have to be charged to the home sellers.

Our approach is totally different. Because we offer low commission rates, clients find us directly through the internet, our website and through word of mouth referrals. We get many more clients than if we were charging higher commission rates. This frees up our time and resources so that we can provide our clients the REALTOR® services that they have actually hired us to perform: listing their homes on the MLS®, marketing the property, securing an offer and negotiating the sale of the home. Additionally, many of our clients that have received a low commission rate when selling their homes will also need to buy another home. Therefore, we again do not need to waste our time and resources searching for buyers. Since we don’t need to waste time searching for clients to work with, we can focus on providing our buyer clients with the REALTOR® services they need to find the home they really want.

This system makes much more sense than the traditional high commission rate approach to real estate sales. It’s a win-win for both the home owner and our REALTORS®. The inefficiencies of the traditional approach have been largely eliminated. Therefore, the client can get all of the benefits of MLS® and REALTOR® service without the inefficiencies and costs associated with these inefficiencies.

It’s that simple. That’s why, since 1995, our low commission rate approach has been working so well for our brokerage. And, why it’s been so appealing for our clients.

The proof that this low commission approach is so powerful is in the fact that more and more home sellers are choosing to pay low commission rates for great MLS® and REALTOR® service. Why would YOU want to pay MORE?

See the video below for details. Or, visit our website at www.coronarealty.ca .

Low Commission REALTORS| Hamilton Ontario| MLS Real Estate

http://www.coronarealty.ca – Looking for a One Percent Commission Real Estate Agent when Selling Your Home on MLS with a REALTOR in Hamilton Ontario?? We’ll Sell Your Home for a Great Commission Rate on MLS. Our brokerage has been providing our clients alternative commission rates and outstanding REALTOR service since 1995. One Percent Commission Rate for Listing your Hamilton Ontario home on MLS with an experienced, Full Time REALTOR with over 20+ years of real estate sales experience. Listing your Hamilton Ontario area home for One Percent Commission Rate with a REALTOR on MLS will give you the exposure and professional representation you need to get the results you want when selling. See our video above for details.

Anyone can SAY they’ll sell your home for a good commission rate. Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage has been providing his clients with great commission rates, outstanding REALTOR service and proven Results since 1995. If you’re thinking of selling you’ll need a REALTOR who’ll provide FULL Service and MLS exposure at a reasonable commission rate.
Smart Consumers know that it’s not what you PAY, it’s what you GET! And with Andrew, you GET Proven Results.
So, make the SMART Choice!
Buying or Selling Call Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record, today at (905) 525-3311 or visit www.coronarealty.ca for details.