What’s My Home Worth in 2023? What is the Value of My House? How have the increasing interest rates affected my Home’s Value in 2023| Waterdown, Ontario|MLS® REALTOR®|

What Is My House Worth? Valuing Your Property:

Selling My Property / Pricing Your property

Knowing what your property is worth is an essential step towards completing a successful sale of your home. Property valuation is the process of analysing a home in order to determine what its real estate price is on the current market. This value is important because it can help you determine what the right listing price will be to attract potential buyers, and maximize your profits. Because there are numerous factors that go into property valuation, it’s a good idea to use the services of professionals in order to get the most up-to-date market information.

Buying or selling a home can be emotional or even stressful, because it is such a major financial transaction. Having the expertise of a professional real estate agent on your side can make a world of difference in how smoothly the process runs. Although there are many indicators that can help you place a value on your home, the most accurate and realistic figures will come from professional sources. Online valuation sources are good, but make sure they are backed by a local, licensed REALTOR® who is experienced and knows the market in your area. Don’t rely on valuation sources from an automated website generated without the expertise and knowledge that a local, professional REALTOR® adds to the process.

Did You Know You Can Get CASH BACK when Buying your Next Home
Using the Services of an Experienced REALTOR®??

Complete the Form below to INSTANTLY Find Out
How Much CASH BACK you’ll Get!!

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Using the Services of a Real Estate Agent

The Right Listing Price can make a Big $$$ Difference!

For those who have just decided to put a property on the market, getting a clear picture of what your home is worth is an important first step. Although there are other sources that could provide some insight, the most reliable and cost-effective source is a real estate agent. It’s a real estate agent’s profession to follow the current market and know the most accurate price of your home. For best results, you’ll want to choose a real estate agent who has a strong working knowledge of your local area.

A local agent will not only know how houses are valued in general, but they will also be familiar with the specific variables that will affect your home’s value. These could include the number of comparable homes for sale in your neighbourhood, how long these homes have been on the market, and what the latest selling prices have been for comparable properties. They will have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in your local market, and can use this as a guide to give you a more accurate value. Because each agent will have a unique perspective, you may wish to get in contact with several local agents to discuss your needs. Their professional opinions can then be pooled together to give you a broad idea of how your home fits into the market.

Internet Sources of Information

In addition to using the services of a skilled and seasoned professional in your area, you may wish to use the internet as a general source of information. However, these are not a good substitution for a professional’s assistance. They won’t give you specific information about a property’s true condition and value in a way that a real estate agent can, nor will they have the kind of insider information that a local agent would be able to give you. Many important variables that can affect a home’s value will only be noticeable during an in-person inspection, which is why these online reports should only be used as a general guideline.

The Importance of an Accurate Valuation

What’s the Value of My Home?

When choosing the right real estate agent to represent your home, you’ll want to look at their expertise, experience, and reputation. As you start to receive and compare proposals for marketing your home from different agents, you can get valuations from them for free. Choosing an accurate valuation is very important, because if the price is set too high or too low it could compromise your transaction.

If the house price has been set too high, you may not receive any serious offers. This could lead to your home being on the market for a longer time period, which may scare away further buyers who may believe that something is inherently wrong with the property. Buyers are suspicious of properties that have been on the market for too long, thinking that there may be something undesirable about this property that has prevented it from being sold. They could also feel that they have the right to bargain for a lower price when it comes to properties that have been on the market longer.

Yet there are also dangers to setting the bar too low. This could also scare away buyers who may perceive that the property is low priced due to flaws or imperfections. Furthermore, you won’t receive the money you deserve even if the house sells quickly. A good real estate agent will be able to prevent both of these scenarios by helping you set the listing price as realistically and accurately as possible.

Factors that Affect Value

Factors such as your home’s overall size, quality of fixtures, and number of appliances will all weigh into its current value. However, there is far more that goes into this price. Your real estate agent will be able to help you compare your home to recently sold properties in your area, looking at further features such as the size of the lot and the home’s amenities. It’s also important to look at the current market in your neighbourhood. The right agent will have a strong working knowledge of comparable homes in the area and their sales prices, to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

Home improvements, upgrades, repairs, or extensions could also add to the value of your property. If you have made any home improvements in recent years, be sure to let your agent know about these so that they can factor this into the valuation. The neighbourhood itself will also factor into home values. Are there shopping centres, supermarkets, schools, parks, and hospitals nearby? Convenient public transport links and vicinity to metropolitan areas will all affect home values, as will crime rates and traffic levels.

Working with the Right Professional

Placing a value on your property is a complicated task, involving many variables which will change over time. Working with the right real estate agent will help you see the bigger picture and where your property fits in. Taking all of these factors into account will help you set a more accurate listing price, improving your chances of selling your home quickly and for the value it deserves.

You can get started with the process of valuing your home by clicking on the banner below and completing our Home Evaluation Form.

Once it is submitted, we’ll review the information and one of our Local, Knowledgeable REALTORS® will conduct a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) of your home.

We’ll then e-mail you our results so that you can make a more informed decision as to the value of your home.

Complete the form and our report will be delivered to your email! It’s fast, simple and free!

All we need is an e-mail address and the information about your home. So, get started at your convenience. It will only take you less than a minute to complete.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

What’s My Home Worth in 2023? What is the Value of My House? How have the increasing interest rates affected my Home’s Value in 2023| Grimsby, Ontario|MLS® REALTOR®|

What Is My House Worth? Valuing Your Property:

Selling My Property / Pricing Your property

Knowing what your property is worth is an essential step towards completing a successful sale of your home. Property valuation is the process of analysing a home in order to determine what its real estate price is on the current market. This value is important because it can help you determine what the right listing price will be to attract potential buyers, and maximize your profits. Because there are numerous factors that go into property valuation, it’s a good idea to use the services of professionals in order to get the most up-to-date market information.

Buying or selling a home can be emotional or even stressful, because it is such a major financial transaction. Having the expertise of a professional real estate agent on your side can make a world of difference in how smoothly the process runs. Although there are many indicators that can help you place a value on your home, the most accurate and realistic figures will come from professional sources. Online valuation sources are good, but make sure they are backed by a local, licensed REALTOR® who is experienced and knows the market in your area. Don’t rely on valuation sources from an automated website generated without the expertise and knowledge that a local, professional REALTOR® adds to the process.

Did You Know You Can Get CASH BACK when Buying your Next Home
Using the Services of an Experienced REALTOR®??

Complete the Form below to INSTANTLY Find Out
How Much CASH BACK you’ll Get!!

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Using the Services of a Real Estate Agent

The Right Listing Price can make a Big $$$ Difference!

For those who have just decided to put a property on the market, getting a clear picture of what your home is worth is an important first step. Although there are other sources that could provide some insight, the most reliable and cost-effective source is a real estate agent. It’s a real estate agent’s profession to follow the current market and know the most accurate price of your home. For best results, you’ll want to choose a real estate agent who has a strong working knowledge of your local area.

A local agent will not only know how houses are valued in general, but they will also be familiar with the specific variables that will affect your home’s value. These could include the number of comparable homes for sale in your neighbourhood, how long these homes have been on the market, and what the latest selling prices have been for comparable properties. They will have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in your local market, and can use this as a guide to give you a more accurate value. Because each agent will have a unique perspective, you may wish to get in contact with several local agents to discuss your needs. Their professional opinions can then be pooled together to give you a broad idea of how your home fits into the market.

Internet Sources of Information

In addition to using the services of a skilled and seasoned professional in your area, you may wish to use the internet as a general source of information. However, these are not a good substitution for a professional’s assistance. They won’t give you specific information about a property’s true condition and value in a way that a real estate agent can, nor will they have the kind of insider information that a local agent would be able to give you. Many important variables that can affect a home’s value will only be noticeable during an in-person inspection, which is why these online reports should only be used as a general guideline.

The Importance of an Accurate Valuation

What’s the Value of My Home?

When choosing the right real estate agent to represent your home, you’ll want to look at their expertise, experience, and reputation. As you start to receive and compare proposals for marketing your home from different agents, you can get valuations from them for free. Choosing an accurate valuation is very important, because if the price is set too high or too low it could compromise your transaction.

If the house price has been set too high, you may not receive any serious offers. This could lead to your home being on the market for a longer time period, which may scare away further buyers who may believe that something is inherently wrong with the property. Buyers are suspicious of properties that have been on the market for too long, thinking that there may be something undesirable about this property that has prevented it from being sold. They could also feel that they have the right to bargain for a lower price when it comes to properties that have been on the market longer.

Yet there are also dangers to setting the bar too low. This could also scare away buyers who may perceive that the property is low priced due to flaws or imperfections. Furthermore, you won’t receive the money you deserve even if the house sells quickly. A good real estate agent will be able to prevent both of these scenarios by helping you set the listing price as realistically and accurately as possible.

Factors that Affect Value

Factors such as your home’s overall size, quality of fixtures, and number of appliances will all weigh into its current value. However, there is far more that goes into this price. Your real estate agent will be able to help you compare your home to recently sold properties in your area, looking at further features such as the size of the lot and the home’s amenities. It’s also important to look at the current market in your neighbourhood. The right agent will have a strong working knowledge of comparable homes in the area and their sales prices, to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

Home improvements, upgrades, repairs, or extensions could also add to the value of your property. If you have made any home improvements in recent years, be sure to let your agent know about these so that they can factor this into the valuation. The neighbourhood itself will also factor into home values. Are there shopping centres, supermarkets, schools, parks, and hospitals nearby? Convenient public transport links and vicinity to metropolitan areas will all affect home values, as will crime rates and traffic levels.

Working with the Right Professional

Placing a value on your property is a complicated task, involving many variables which will change over time. Working with the right real estate agent will help you see the bigger picture and where your property fits in. Taking all of these factors into account will help you set a more accurate listing price, improving your chances of selling your home quickly and for the value it deserves.

You can get started with the process of valuing your home by clicking on the banner below and completing our Home Evaluation Form.

Once it is submitted, we’ll review the information and one of our Local, Knowledgeable REALTORS® will conduct a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) of your home.

We’ll then e-mail you our results so that you can make a more informed decision as to the value of your home.

Complete the form and our report will be delivered to your email! It’s fast, simple and free!

All we need is an e-mail address and the information about your home. So, get started at your convenience. It will only take you less than a minute to complete.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

What is a Commission Rebate or Cash Back Program when buying a Home with a REALTOR® in Hamilton, Ontario in 2023?

What is a Commission Rebate or a Cash Back Program when Buying a Home?

Commission Rebates or Cash Back Programs can be structured in various ways and
can apply in different situations. However, it is generally the concept of rewarding
a client for having done business with you or your company. The reward is provided
to the client in the form of a monetary “gift”, “cash back” or “rebate”.

A commission rebate or Cash Back Program basically involves a Brokerage sharing a portion of the commission they earn, for their services, with their buyer client.

In our case, we’ll put it all IN WRITING for you even before we start working to find your next home. And, you can rest assured that our Commission Cash Back/ Rebate* is backed by our Brokerage, not just an individual Sales Representative or Broker.


What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?


(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)


To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!


Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):




Our Cash Back/ Commission Rebate Program* is available for Residential, Commercial and Investment properties.

How does the Commission Rebate / Cash Back* Work?

From what our clients say, it seems to work very well.

Properties that are listed on the MLS® System, or elsewhere, normally offer a “Selling Brokerage Commission” to the REALTOR®/Brokerage that is involved in negotiating a successful sale of the Listed property. Therefore, when we represent you, as a Buyer’s Representative in the purchase of a home, we earn the “Selling Brokerage Commission”.

When we receive this Selling Brokerage Commission, we provide a GENEROUS portion of this Commission Money to our Buyer Client as a gift for having used our services.

Generally, the amount of the Rebate or Cash Back depends on two factors: the price of the property purchased and the Selling Brokerage Commission rate being offered by the Listing Brokerage. These two factors determine the overall Amount of the Commission Money earned by our Brokerage when a property is purchased using our services through our Brokerage. The Higher the overall Amount of the Commission we earn, the higher the amount of the Rebate/Cash Back that we’ll provide to our buyer client.

It’s that simple. It’s like getting paid for something that you would be doing anyways. There’s no extra effort on your part. And, we’ll be providing (at a minimum) the exact same REALTOR® services to help you find and purchase the home you want.

Our Brokerage has been serving our clients in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. We’re always striving to give our clients an advantage when using our services. Our Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* is just one more “advantage” we offer so that our clients get, not only our Professional and Dedicated REALTOR® Service, but also something EXTRA that they may not readily find anywhere else.

It’s just our way of saying, “Thank you for your business.”

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Hire Us and Get Cash Back* when you Buy

Guaranteed in Writing by our Brokerage

You Don’t Need to Settle for an Inexperienced or Part-Time REALTOR® to
Get a substantial Commission Rebate!!

When you buy a home through Corona Realty Inc. and Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record), our Cash Back (Rebate) Program* shares a substantial portion of the commission we earn with you – our home buying client. The best part is that you’ll still receive all the services you’d expect from any other brokerage.

With Andrew, you get a top producing REALTOR® that has worked Full-Time in real estate sales for over 25 years. Our brokerage’s Market Leading, Low Commission Rates and Cash Back Program* are just some of the many reasons to get us working on your side when selling or buying a home.

Remember, we’re a Full Service, MLS®, real estate brokerage. We’ve known for over 20 years now that there is a better way to provide real estate services. Our clients have been taking advantage of our Full Service, Experience, Local Market Knowledge and Innovative Real Estate services since 1995.

Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* – Get Answers to FAQs Below.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Is Corona Realty Inc. a licensed real estate brokerage?

Yes. And, as do most other licensed real estate brokerages in our area, we make full use of the MLS® System to help our buyer clients find homes that meet their specific needs. The MLS® System is the most powerful property marketing system in Canada. The Local MLS® System is a database containing all the homes and properties listed for sale in our geographic area and beyond.

When a property is placed in the Local MLS® System, the listing is then automatically placed on REALTOR.ca, the most visited For Sale, real estate website in Canada. Because the Listing is placed on the local MLS® System FIRST, it may take some time for the information to migrate to the REALTOR.ca website. So, if you are working with a REALTOR®, he/she will be able to provide the listing to you BEFORE it ever hits the REALTOR.ca website.

We’re members of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). All REALTORS® in our area are members of these exact same organizations.

When we help our clients buy or sell, we offer the same representation and services that can legally be offered by any other licensed real estate brokerage.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#4|


Does a Commission Rebate mean less REALTOR® Service?

Absolutely Not! Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record) has been a licensed REALTOR® for over 25 years. Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage has operated in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. When you hire Corona Realty and Andrew you’re assured of getting an experienced Professional with the Qualifications, Experience and Local Market Knowledge required to provide exceptional, results-oriented REALTOR® Service.

The real estate industry has changed. Real Estate information is readily available and can easily be accessed through the internet. As a result, a REALTOR® today must be able to do more than simply provide the same information that a client can find him/herself. A REALTOR® must be able to add value to the process of buying or selling a home AND perform his job in an efficient and effective manner in order to provide outstanding service at an incredibly competitive level.

Over the years, Corona Realty has restructured the entire brokerage in order to be able to provide our clients with outstanding REALTOR® Service while eliminating unnecessary overhead costs. In so doing, we’re able to provide our clients extremely competitive commission rates when selling their homes as well as very Generous Commission Rebates when they are buying a home using our services.

But don’t take our word for it, see what our clients have to say in our TESTIMONIALS page. We’re proud to let our clients tell the story of our dedication and commitment to providing knowledgeable advice and an innovative, value added approach to the service we offer our clients.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#5|

How can you offer a Commission Rebate – Why don’t all others offer it?

We don’t know if others offer it or not. But, the truth is that every brokerage or REALTOR® should be able to offer a Rebate if they’re able to reduce their operating costs.

Our brokerage has a completely different business model than many traditional brokerages. Many brokerages and REALTORS® are affiliated with large franchise organizations requiring them to pay costly Franchise Fees, monthly Desk Fees, high Commission Splits with their brokerage and other fees that may limit the flexibility they have when pricing their real estate services.

Our business model is designed to provide all the REALTOR® Services of a tradition brokerage while streamlining overhead costs. This let’s us offer Full Service along with an incredibly competitive commission rate to our sellers and a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our buyer clients.

Give us a call today and we’ll discuss with you our services and give you an estimate as to the amount of Commission Rebate you can expect when you use our services to buy your next home.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#6|

Is it Legal to give me Cash Back or a Commission Rebate?

Absolutely. Some people may not know that The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA 2002) permits the rebating of commission money to anyone that is a party to the real estate transaction. REBBA 2002 is the Act that governs licensed real estate practitioners: Brokerages, Brokers and Sales Representatives. The Act also makes illegal any payments to third parties which are not part of the real estate transaction. In other words, rebating money to a buyer or seller is legal but making a referral payment to an individual for providing a lead or referral is illegal.

Will the Commission Rebate Have any Affect on the Negotiations?

No. It has no affect when we are negotiating the purchase of the home. There is no discussion of the Rebate during negotiations because neither the Seller nor the Seller’s Brokerage is affected by the Rebate. As far as they know, the Buyer’s Brokerage (our Brokerage) will be keeping the entire Commission earned. The Seller would have already factored in the entire commission payable for selling their home when negotiating. No one except the Buyer and our brokerage is required (by law) to know about the fact that we will be providing a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our Buyers.

The Rebate amount only comes from the Commission money earned by the Buyer’s Brokerage. It’s from the Buyer’s Brokerage Commission (out of our share) that the Rebate is paid.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#8|


How much of a Rebate can I expect and How do I Get Started?

As previously mentioned, the Commission Rebate or Cash Back amount depends on the amount of Commission our brokerage earns. The more we earn, the larger your Commission Rebate cheque will be.

Give us a call and we can quickly give you an estimate as to the amount of the Commission Rebate that you’re likely to receive. Then, when you’re ready, you can get in touch with us again and we can arrange to meet and Get Started.

If you’re interested in our Cash Back – Commission Rebate Program*, call today!! Based on your information, we’ll be able to quickly give you an estimate, over the phone, of your total Cash Back Amount. Call us today at (905)525-3311 or email us at info@coronarealty.ca


* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.


Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage
1010 Upper Wentworth Street, Suite 201
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4V9

Phone: 905-525-3311
Fax: 905-388-2080
Email: info@coronarealty.ca

Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage is a Low Commission Real Estate Agent Proudly serving the Hamilton, Ancaster, Burlington, Stoney Creek, Dundas, Grimsby, Caledonia, Smithville, Dunnville, Binbrook, St. Catharines and Niagara Areas.

* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by CREA and indentify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA

Copyright (C) Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage 2016 – All Rights Reserved

What’s My Home Worth in 2023? What is the Value of My House? How is my Home Value affected by the higher interest rates?|Ancaster, Ontario|MLS® REALTOR®|

What Is My House Worth? Valuing Your Property:

Selling My Property / Pricing Your property

Knowing what your property is worth is an essential step towards completing a successful sale of your home. Property valuation is the process of analysing a home in order to determine what its real estate price is on the current market. This value is important because it can help you determine what the right listing price will be to attract potential buyers, and maximize your profits. Because there are numerous factors that go into property valuation, it’s a good idea to use the services of professionals in order to get the most up-to-date market information.

Buying or selling a home can be emotional or even stressful, because it is such a major financial transaction. Having the expertise of a professional real estate agent on your side can make a world of difference in how smoothly the process runs. Although there are many indicators that can help you place a value on your home, the most accurate and realistic figures will come from professional sources. Online valuation sources are good, but make sure they are backed by a local, licensed REALTOR® who is experienced and knows the market in your area. Don’t rely on valuation sources from an automated website generated without the expertise and knowledge that a local, professional REALTOR® adds to the process.

Did You Know You Can Get CASH BACK when Buying your Next Home
Using the Services of an Experienced REALTOR®??

Complete the Form below to INSTANTLY Find Out
How Much CASH BACK you’ll Get!!

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Using the Services of a Real Estate Agent

The Right Listing Price can make a Big $$$ Difference!

For those who have just decided to put a property on the market, getting a clear picture of what your home is worth is an important first step. Although there are other sources that could provide some insight, the most reliable and cost-effective source is a real estate agent. It’s a real estate agent’s profession to follow the current market and know the most accurate price of your home. For best results, you’ll want to choose a real estate agent who has a strong working knowledge of your local area.

A local agent will not only know how houses are valued in general, but they will also be familiar with the specific variables that will affect your home’s value. These could include the number of comparable homes for sale in your neighbourhood, how long these homes have been on the market, and what the latest selling prices have been for comparable properties. They will have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in your local market, and can use this as a guide to give you a more accurate value. Because each agent will have a unique perspective, you may wish to get in contact with several local agents to discuss your needs. Their professional opinions can then be pooled together to give you a broad idea of how your home fits into the market.

Internet Sources of Information

In addition to using the services of a skilled and seasoned professional in your area, you may wish to use the internet as a general source of information. However, these are not a good substitution for a professional’s assistance. They won’t give you specific information about a property’s true condition and value in a way that a real estate agent can, nor will they have the kind of insider information that a local agent would be able to give you. Many important variables that can affect a home’s value will only be noticeable during an in-person inspection, which is why these online reports should only be used as a general guideline.

The Importance of an Accurate Valuation

What’s the Value of My Home?

When choosing the right real estate agent to represent your home, you’ll want to look at their expertise, experience, and reputation. As you start to receive and compare proposals for marketing your home from different agents, you can get valuations from them for free. Choosing an accurate valuation is very important, because if the price is set too high or too low it could compromise your transaction.

If the house price has been set too high, you may not receive any serious offers. This could lead to your home being on the market for a longer time period, which may scare away further buyers who may believe that something is inherently wrong with the property. Buyers are suspicious of properties that have been on the market for too long, thinking that there may be something undesirable about this property that has prevented it from being sold. They could also feel that they have the right to bargain for a lower price when it comes to properties that have been on the market longer.

Yet there are also dangers to setting the bar too low. This could also scare away buyers who may perceive that the property is low priced due to flaws or imperfections. Furthermore, you won’t receive the money you deserve even if the house sells quickly. A good real estate agent will be able to prevent both of these scenarios by helping you set the listing price as realistically and accurately as possible.

Factors that Affect Value

Factors such as your home’s overall size, quality of fixtures, and number of appliances will all weigh into its current value. However, there is far more that goes into this price. Your real estate agent will be able to help you compare your home to recently sold properties in your area, looking at further features such as the size of the lot and the home’s amenities. It’s also important to look at the current market in your neighbourhood. The right agent will have a strong working knowledge of comparable homes in the area and their sales prices, to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

Home improvements, upgrades, repairs, or extensions could also add to the value of your property. If you have made any home improvements in recent years, be sure to let your agent know about these so that they can factor this into the valuation. The neighbourhood itself will also factor into home values. Are there shopping centres, supermarkets, schools, parks, and hospitals nearby? Convenient public transport links and vicinity to metropolitan areas will all affect home values, as will crime rates and traffic levels.

Working with the Right Professional

Placing a value on your property is a complicated task, involving many variables which will change over time. Working with the right real estate agent will help you see the bigger picture and where your property fits in. Taking all of these factors into account will help you set a more accurate listing price, improving your chances of selling your home quickly and for the value it deserves.

You can get started with the process of valuing your home by clicking on the banner below and completing our Home Evaluation Form.

Once it is submitted, we’ll review the information and one of our Local, Knowledgeable REALTORS® will conduct a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) of your home.

We’ll then e-mail you our results so that you can make a more informed decision as to the value of your home.

Complete the form and our report will be delivered to your email! It’s fast, simple and free!

All we need is an e-mail address and the information about your home. So, get started at your convenience. It will only take you less than a minute to complete.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

What’s My Home Worth? What is the Value of My House? |Milton, Ontario|MLS® REALTOR®|

What Is My House Worth? Valuing Your Property:

Selling My Property / Pricing Your property

Knowing what your property is worth is an essential step towards completing a successful sale of your home. Property valuation is the process of analysing a home in order to determine what its real estate price is on the current market. This value is important because it can help you determine what the right listing price will be to attract potential buyers, and maximize your profits. Because there are numerous factors that go into property valuation, it’s a good idea to use the services of professionals in order to get the most up-to-date market information.

Buying or selling a home can be emotional or even stressful, because it is such a major financial transaction. Having the expertise of a professional real estate agent on your side can make a world of difference in how smoothly the process runs. Although there are many indicators that can help you place a value on your home, the most accurate and realistic figures will come from professional sources. Online valuation sources are good, but make sure they are backed by a local, licensed REALTOR® who is experienced and knows the market in your area. Don’t rely on valuation sources from an automated website generated without the expertise and knowledge that a local, professional REALTOR® adds to the process.

Did You Know You Can Get CASH BACK when Buying your Next Home
Using the Services of an Experienced REALTOR®??

Use the Calculator tool below to INSTANTLY Find Out
How Much CASH BACK you’ll Get!!

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Using the Services of a Real Estate Agent

The Right Listing Price can make a Big $$$ Difference!

For those who have just decided to put a property on the market, getting a clear picture of what your home is worth is an important first step. Although there are other sources that could provide some insight, the most reliable and cost-effective source is a real estate agent. It’s a real estate agent’s profession to follow the current market and know the most accurate price of your home. For best results, you’ll want to choose a real estate agent who has a strong working knowledge of your local area.

A local agent will not only know how houses are valued in general, but they will also be familiar with the specific variables that will affect your home’s value. These could include the number of comparable homes for sale in your neighbourhood, how long these homes have been on the market, and what the latest selling prices have been for comparable properties. They will have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in your local market, and can use this as a guide to give you a more accurate value. Because each agent will have a unique perspective, you may wish to get in contact with several local agents to discuss your needs. Their professional opinions can then be pooled together to give you a broad idea of how your home fits into the market.

Internet Sources of Information

In addition to using the services of a skilled and seasoned professional in your area, you may wish to use the internet as a general source of information. However, these are not a good substitution for a professional’s assistance. They won’t give you specific information about a property’s true condition and value in a way that a real estate agent can, nor will they have the kind of insider information that a local agent would be able to give you. Many important variables that can affect a home’s value will only be noticeable during an in-person inspection, which is why these online reports should only be used as a general guideline.

The Importance of an Accurate Valuation

What’s the Value of My Home?

When choosing the right real estate agent to represent your home, you’ll want to look at their expertise, experience, and reputation. As you start to receive and compare proposals for marketing your home from different agents, you can get valuations from them for free. Choosing an accurate valuation is very important, because if the price is set too high or too low it could compromise your transaction.

If the house price has been set too high, you may not receive any serious offers. This could lead to your home being on the market for a longer time period, which may scare away further buyers who may believe that something is inherently wrong with the property. Buyers are suspicious of properties that have been on the market for too long, thinking that there may be something undesirable about this property that has prevented it from being sold. They could also feel that they have the right to bargain for a lower price when it comes to properties that have been on the market longer.

Yet there are also dangers to setting the bar too low. This could also scare away buyers who may perceive that the property is low priced due to flaws or imperfections. Furthermore, you won’t receive the money you deserve even if the house sells quickly. A good real estate agent will be able to prevent both of these scenarios by helping you set the listing price as realistically and accurately as possible.

Factors that Affect Value

Factors such as your home’s overall size, quality of fixtures, and number of appliances will all weigh into its current value. However, there is far more that goes into this price. Your real estate agent will be able to help you compare your home to recently sold properties in your area, looking at further features such as the size of the lot and the home’s amenities. It’s also important to look at the current market in your neighbourhood. The right agent will have a strong working knowledge of comparable homes in the area and their sales prices, to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

Home improvements, upgrades, repairs, or extensions could also add to the value of your property. If you have made any home improvements in recent years, be sure to let your agent know about these so that they can factor this into the valuation. The neighbourhood itself will also factor into home values. Are there shopping centres, supermarkets, schools, parks, and hospitals nearby? Convenient public transport links and vicinity to metropolitan areas will all affect home values, as will crime rates and traffic levels.

Working with the Right Professional

Placing a value on your property is a complicated task, involving many variables which will change over time. Working with the right real estate agent will help you see the bigger picture and where your property fits in. Taking all of these factors into account will help you set a more accurate listing price, improving your chances of selling your home quickly and for the value it deserves.

You can get started with the process of valuing your home by clicking on the banner below and completing our Home Evaluation Form.

Once it is submitted, we’ll review the information and one of our Local, Knowledgeable REALTORS® will conduct a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) of your home.

We’ll then e-mail you our results so that you can make a more informed decision as to the value of your home.

Complete the form and our report will be delivered to your email! It’s fast, simple and free!

All we need is an e-mail address and the information about your home. So, get started at your convenience. It will only take you less than a minute to complete.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

What’s My Home Worth? What is the Value of My House? |Oakville, Ontario|MLS® REALTOR®|

What Is My House Worth? Valuing Your Property:

Selling My Property / Pricing Your property

Knowing what your property is worth is an essential step towards completing a successful sale of your home. Property valuation is the process of analysing a home in order to determine what its real estate price is on the current market. This value is important because it can help you determine what the right listing price will be to attract potential buyers, and maximize your profits. Because there are numerous factors that go into property valuation, it’s a good idea to use the services of professionals in order to get the most up-to-date market information.

Buying or selling a home can be emotional or even stressful, because it is such a major financial transaction. Having the expertise of a professional real estate agent on your side can make a world of difference in how smoothly the process runs. Although there are many indicators that can help you place a value on your home, the most accurate and realistic figures will come from professional sources. Online valuation sources are good, but make sure they are backed by a local, licensed REALTOR® who is experienced and knows the market in your area. Don’t rely on valuation sources from an automated website generated without the expertise and knowledge that a local, professional REALTOR® adds to the process.

Did You Know You Can Get CASH BACK when Buying your Next Home
Using the Services of an Experienced REALTOR®??

Use the Calculator tool below to INSTANTLY Find Out
How Much CASH BACK you’ll Get!!

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Using the Services of a Real Estate Agent

The Right Listing Price can make a Big $$$ Difference!

For those who have just decided to put a property on the market, getting a clear picture of what your home is worth is an important first step. Although there are other sources that could provide some insight, the most reliable and cost-effective source is a real estate agent. It’s a real estate agent’s profession to follow the current market and know the most accurate price of your home. For best results, you’ll want to choose a real estate agent who has a strong working knowledge of your local area.

A local agent will not only know how houses are valued in general, but they will also be familiar with the specific variables that will affect your home’s value. These could include the number of comparable homes for sale in your neighbourhood, how long these homes have been on the market, and what the latest selling prices have been for comparable properties. They will have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in your local market, and can use this as a guide to give you a more accurate value. Because each agent will have a unique perspective, you may wish to get in contact with several local agents to discuss your needs. Their professional opinions can then be pooled together to give you a broad idea of how your home fits into the market.

Internet Sources of Information

In addition to using the services of a skilled and seasoned professional in your area, you may wish to use the internet as a general source of information. However, these are not a good substitution for a professional’s assistance. They won’t give you specific information about a property’s true condition and value in a way that a real estate agent can, nor will they have the kind of insider information that a local agent would be able to give you. Many important variables that can affect a home’s value will only be noticeable during an in-person inspection, which is why these online reports should only be used as a general guideline.

The Importance of an Accurate Valuation

What’s the Value of My Home?

When choosing the right real estate agent to represent your home, you’ll want to look at their expertise, experience, and reputation. As you start to receive and compare proposals for marketing your home from different agents, you can get valuations from them for free. Choosing an accurate valuation is very important, because if the price is set too high or too low it could compromise your transaction.

If the house price has been set too high, you may not receive any serious offers. This could lead to your home being on the market for a longer time period, which may scare away further buyers who may believe that something is inherently wrong with the property. Buyers are suspicious of properties that have been on the market for too long, thinking that there may be something undesirable about this property that has prevented it from being sold. They could also feel that they have the right to bargain for a lower price when it comes to properties that have been on the market longer.

Yet there are also dangers to setting the bar too low. This could also scare away buyers who may perceive that the property is low priced due to flaws or imperfections. Furthermore, you won’t receive the money you deserve even if the house sells quickly. A good real estate agent will be able to prevent both of these scenarios by helping you set the listing price as realistically and accurately as possible.

Factors that Affect Value

Factors such as your home’s overall size, quality of fixtures, and number of appliances will all weigh into its current value. However, there is far more that goes into this price. Your real estate agent will be able to help you compare your home to recently sold properties in your area, looking at further features such as the size of the lot and the home’s amenities. It’s also important to look at the current market in your neighbourhood. The right agent will have a strong working knowledge of comparable homes in the area and their sales prices, to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

Home improvements, upgrades, repairs, or extensions could also add to the value of your property. If you have made any home improvements in recent years, be sure to let your agent know about these so that they can factor this into the valuation. The neighbourhood itself will also factor into home values. Are there shopping centres, supermarkets, schools, parks, and hospitals nearby? Convenient public transport links and vicinity to metropolitan areas will all affect home values, as will crime rates and traffic levels.

Working with the Right Professional

Placing a value on your property is a complicated task, involving many variables which will change over time. Working with the right real estate agent will help you see the bigger picture and where your property fits in. Taking all of these factors into account will help you set a more accurate listing price, improving your chances of selling your home quickly and for the value it deserves.

You can get started with the process of valuing your home by clicking on the banner below and completing our Home Evaluation Form.

Once it is submitted, we’ll review the information and one of our Local, Knowledgeable REALTORS® will conduct a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) of your home.

We’ll then e-mail you our results so that you can make a more informed decision as to the value of your home.

Complete the form and our report will be delivered to your email! It’s fast, simple and free!

All we need is an e-mail address and the information about your home. So, get started at your convenience. It will only take you less than a minute to complete.

For more information or details about our commission rates and real estate services visit www.coronarealty.ca or contact Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage at (905) 525-3311

Homes for Sale Oakville Ontario | MLS® REALTOR® | Cash Back / Rebate* for Home Buyers | Oakville |

What is a Commission Rebate or a Cash Back Program when Buying a Home?

Commission Rebates or Cash Back Programs can be structured in various ways and
can apply in different situations. However, it is generally the concept of rewarding
a client for having done business with you or your company. The reward is provided
to the client in the form of a monetary “gift”, “cash back” or “rebate”.

A commission rebate or Cash Back Program basically involves a Brokerage sharing a portion of the commission they earn, for their services, with their buyer client.

In our case, we’ll put it all IN WRITING for you even before we start working to find your next home. And, you can rest assured that our Commission Cash Back/ Rebate* is backed by our Brokerage, not just an individual Sales Representative or Broker.

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Our Cash Back/ Commission Rebate Program* is available for Residential, Commercial and Investment properties.

How does the Commission Rebate / Cash Back* Work?

From what our clients say, it seems to work very well.

Properties that are listed on the MLS® System, or elsewhere, normally offer a “Selling Brokerage Commission” to the REALTOR®/Brokerage that is involved in negotiating a successful sale of the Listed property. Therefore, when we represent you, as a Buyer’s Representative in the purchase of a home, we earn the “Selling Brokerage Commission”.

When we receive this Selling Brokerage Commission, we provide a GENEROUS portion of this Commission Money to our Buyer Client as a gift for having used our services.

Generally, the amount of the Rebate or Cash Back depends on two factors: the price of the property purchased and the Selling Brokerage Commission rate being offered by the Listing Brokerage. These two factors determine the overall Amount of the Commission Money earned by our Brokerage when a property is purchased using our services through our Brokerage. The Higher the overall Amount of the Commission we earn, the higher the amount of the Rebate/Cash Back that we’ll provide to our buyer client.

It’s that simple. It’s like getting paid for something that you would be doing anyways. There’s no extra effort on your part. And, we’ll be providing (at a minimum) the exact same REALTOR® services to help you find and purchase the home you want.

Our Brokerage has been serving our clients in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. We’re always striving to give our clients an advantage when using our services. Our Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* is just one more “advantage” we offer so that our clients get, not only our Professional and Dedicated REALTOR® Service, but also something EXTRA that they may not readily find anywhere else.

It’s just our way of saying, “Thank you for your business.”

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Hire Us and Get Cash Back* when you Buy

Guaranteed in Writing by our Brokerage

You Don’t Need to Settle for an Inexperienced or Part-Time REALTOR® to
Get a substantial Commission Rebate!!

When you buy a home through Corona Realty Inc. and Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record), our Cash Back (Rebate) Program* shares a substantial portion of the commission we earn with you – our home buying client. The best part is that you’ll still receive all the services you’d expect from any other brokerage.

With Andrew, you get a top producing REALTOR® that has worked Full-Time in real estate sales for over 25 years. Our brokerage’s Market Leading, Low Commission Rates and Cash Back Program* are just some of the many reasons to get us working on your side when selling or buying a home.

Remember, we’re a Full Service, MLS®, real estate brokerage. We’ve known for over 20 years now that there is a better way to provide real estate services. Our clients have been taking advantage of our Full Service, Experience, Local Market Knowledge and Innovative Real Estate services since 1995.

Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* – Get Answers to FAQs Below.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Is Corona Realty Inc. a licensed real estate brokerage?

Yes. And, as do most other licensed real estate brokerages in our area, we make full use of the MLS® System to help our buyer clients find homes that meet their specific needs. The MLS® System is the most powerful property marketing system in Canada. The Local MLS® System is a database containing all the homes and properties listed for sale in our geographic area and beyond.

When a property is placed in the Local MLS® System, the listing is then automatically placed on REALTOR.ca, the most visited For Sale, real estate website in Canada. Because the Listing is placed on the local MLS® System FIRST, it may take some time for the information to migrate to the REALTOR.ca website. So, if you are working with a REALTOR®, he/she will be able to provide the listing to you BEFORE it ever hits the REALTOR.ca website.

We’re members of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). All REALTORS® in our area are members of these exact same organizations.

When we help our clients buy or sell, we offer the same representation and services that can legally be offered by any other licensed real estate brokerage.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#4|


Does a Commission Rebate mean less REALTOR® Service?

Absolutely Not! Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record) has been a licensed REALTOR® for over 25 years. Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage has operated in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. When you hire Corona Realty and Andrew you’re assured of getting an experienced Professional with the Qualifications, Experience and Local Market Knowledge required to provide exceptional, results-oriented REALTOR® Service.

The real estate industry has changed. Real Estate information is readily available and can easily be accessed through the internet. As a result, a REALTOR® today must be able to do more than simply provide the same information that a client can find him/herself. A REALTOR® must be able to add value to the process of buying or selling a home AND perform his job in an efficient and effective manner in order to provide outstanding service at an incredibly competitive level.

Over the years, Corona Realty has restructured the entire brokerage in order to be able to provide our clients with outstanding REALTOR® Service while eliminating unnecessary overhead costs. In so doing, we’re able to provide our clients extremely competitive commission rates when selling their homes as well as very Generous Commission Rebates when they are buying a home using our services.

But don’t take our word for it, see what our clients have to say in our TESTIMONIALS page. We’re proud to let our clients tell the story of our dedication and commitment to providing knowledgeable advice and an innovative, value added approach to the service we offer our clients.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#5|

How can you offer a Commission Rebate – Why don’t all others offer it?

We don’t know if others offer it or not. But, the truth is that every brokerage or REALTOR® should be able to offer a Rebate if they’re able to reduce their operating costs.

Our brokerage has a completely different business model than many traditional brokerages. Many brokerages and REALTORS® are affiliated with large franchise organizations requiring them to pay costly Franchise Fees, monthly Desk Fees, high Commission Splits with their brokerage and other fees that may limit the flexibility they have when pricing their real estate services.

Our business model is designed to provide all the REALTOR® Services of a tradition brokerage while streamlining overhead costs. This let’s us offer Full Service along with an incredibly competitive commission rate to our sellers and a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our buyer clients.

Give us a call today and we’ll discuss with you our services and give you an estimate as to the amount of Commission Rebate you can expect when you use our services to buy your next home.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#6|

Is it Legal to give me Cash Back or a Commission Rebate?

Absolutely. Some people may not know that The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA 2002) permits the rebating of commission money to anyone that is a party to the real estate transaction. REBBA 2002 is the Act that governs licensed real estate practitioners: Brokerages, Brokers and Sales Representatives. The Act also makes illegal any payments to third parties which are not part of the real estate transaction. In other words, rebating money to a buyer or seller is legal but making a referral payment to an individual for providing a lead or referral is illegal.

Will the Commission Rebate Have any Affect on the Negotiations?

No. It has no affect when we are negotiating the purchase of the home. There is no discussion of the Rebate during negotiations because neither the Seller nor the Seller’s Brokerage is affected by the Rebate. As far as they know, the Buyer’s Brokerage (our Brokerage) will be keeping the entire Commission earned. The Seller would have already factored in the entire commission payable for selling their home when negotiating. No one except the Buyer and our brokerage is required (by law) to know about the fact that we will be providing a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our Buyers.

The Rebate amount only comes from the Commission money earned by the Buyer’s Brokerage. It’s from the Buyer’s Brokerage Commission (out of our share) that the Rebate is paid.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#8|


How much of a Rebate can I expect and How do I Get Started?

As previously mentioned, the Commission Rebate or Cash Back amount depends on the amount of Commission our brokerage earns. The more we earn, the larger your Commission Rebate cheque will be.

Give us a call and we can quickly give you an estimate as to the amount of the Commission Rebate that you’re likely to receive. Then, when you’re ready, you can get in touch with us again and we can arrange to meet and Get Started.

If you’re interested in our Cash Back – Commission Rebate Program*, call today!! Based on your information, we’ll be able to quickly give you an estimate, over the phone, of your total Cash Back Amount. Call us today at (905)525-3311 or email us at info@coronarealty.ca


* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.


Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage
1010 Upper Wentworth Street, Suite 201
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4V9

Phone: 905-525-3311
Fax: 905-388-2080
Email: info@coronarealty.ca

Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage is a Low Commission Real Estate Agent Proudly serving the Hamilton, Ancaster, Burlington, Stoney Creek, Dundas, Grimsby, Caledonia, Smithville, Dunnville, Binbrook, Oakville, St. Catharines and Niagara Areas.

* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by CREA and indentify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA

Copyright (C) Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage 2016 – All Rights Reserved

Homes for Sale Grimsby Ontario | MLS® REALTOR® | Cash Back / Rebate* for Home Buyers | Grimsby |

What is a Commission Rebate or a Cash Back Program when Buying a Home?

Commission Rebates or Cash Back Programs can be structured in various ways and
can apply in different situations. However, it is generally the concept of rewarding
a client for having done business with you or your company. The reward is provided
to the client in the form of a monetary “gift”, “cash back” or “rebate”.

A commission rebate or Cash Back Program basically involves a Brokerage sharing a portion of the commission they earn, for their services, with their buyer client.

In our case, we’ll put it all IN WRITING for you even before we start working to find your next home. And, you can rest assured that our Commission Cash Back/ Rebate* is backed by our Brokerage, not just an individual Sales Representative or Broker.

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Our Cash Back/ Commission Rebate Program* is available for Residential, Commercial and Investment properties.

How does the Commission Rebate / Cash Back* Work?

From what our clients say, it seems to work very well.

Properties that are listed on the MLS® System, or elsewhere, normally offer a “Selling Brokerage Commission” to the REALTOR®/Brokerage that is involved in negotiating a successful sale of the Listed property. Therefore, when we represent you, as a Buyer’s Representative in the purchase of a home, we earn the “Selling Brokerage Commission”.

When we receive this Selling Brokerage Commission, we provide a GENEROUS portion of this Commission Money to our Buyer Client as a gift for having used our services.

Generally, the amount of the Rebate or Cash Back depends on two factors: the price of the property purchased and the Selling Brokerage Commission rate being offered by the Listing Brokerage. These two factors determine the overall Amount of the Commission Money earned by our Brokerage when a property is purchased using our services through our Brokerage. The Higher the overall Amount of the Commission we earn, the higher the amount of the Rebate/Cash Back that we’ll provide to our buyer client.

It’s that simple. It’s like getting paid for something that you would be doing anyways. There’s no extra effort on your part. And, we’ll be providing (at a minimum) the exact same REALTOR® services to help you find and purchase the home you want.

Our Brokerage has been serving our clients in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. We’re always striving to give our clients an advantage when using our services. Our Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* is just one more “advantage” we offer so that our clients get, not only our Professional and Dedicated REALTOR® Service, but also something EXTRA that they may not readily find anywhere else.

It’s just our way of saying, “Thank you for your business.”

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Hire Us and Get Cash Back* when you Buy

Guaranteed in Writing by our Brokerage

You Don’t Need to Settle for an Inexperienced or Part-Time REALTOR® to
Get a substantial Commission Rebate!!

When you buy a home through Corona Realty Inc. and Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record), our Cash Back (Rebate) Program* shares a substantial portion of the commission we earn with you – our home buying client. The best part is that you’ll still receive all the services you’d expect from any other brokerage.

With Andrew, you get a top producing REALTOR® that has worked Full-Time in real estate sales for over 25 years. Our brokerage’s Market Leading, Low Commission Rates and Cash Back Program* are just some of the many reasons to get us working on your side when selling or buying a home.

Remember, we’re a Full Service, MLS®, real estate brokerage. We’ve known for over 20 years now that there is a better way to provide real estate services. Our clients have been taking advantage of our Full Service, Experience, Local Market Knowledge and Innovative Real Estate services since 1995.

Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* – Get Answers to FAQs Below.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Is Corona Realty Inc. a licensed real estate brokerage?

Yes. And, as do most other licensed real estate brokerages in our area, we make full use of the MLS® System to help our buyer clients find homes that meet their specific needs. The MLS® System is the most powerful property marketing system in Canada. The Local MLS® System is a database containing all the homes and properties listed for sale in our geographic area and beyond.

When a property is placed in the Local MLS® System, the listing is then automatically placed on REALTOR.ca, the most visited For Sale, real estate website in Canada. Because the Listing is placed on the local MLS® System FIRST, it may take some time for the information to migrate to the REALTOR.ca website. So, if you are working with a REALTOR®, he/she will be able to provide the listing to you BEFORE it ever hits the REALTOR.ca website.

We’re members of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). All REALTORS® in our area are members of these exact same organizations.

When we help our clients buy or sell, we offer the same representation and services that can legally be offered by any other licensed real estate brokerage.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#4|


Does a Commission Rebate mean less REALTOR® Service?

Absolutely Not! Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record) has been a licensed REALTOR® for over 25 years. Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage has operated in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. When you hire Corona Realty and Andrew you’re assured of getting an experienced Professional with the Qualifications, Experience and Local Market Knowledge required to provide exceptional, results-oriented REALTOR® Service.

The real estate industry has changed. Real Estate information is readily available and can easily be accessed through the internet. As a result, a REALTOR® today must be able to do more than simply provide the same information that a client can find him/herself. A REALTOR® must be able to add value to the process of buying or selling a home AND perform his job in an efficient and effective manner in order to provide outstanding service at an incredibly competitive level.

Over the years, Corona Realty has restructured the entire brokerage in order to be able to provide our clients with outstanding REALTOR® Service while eliminating unnecessary overhead costs. In so doing, we’re able to provide our clients extremely competitive commission rates when selling their homes as well as very Generous Commission Rebates when they are buying a home using our services.

But don’t take our word for it, see what our clients have to say in our TESTIMONIALS page. We’re proud to let our clients tell the story of our dedication and commitment to providing knowledgeable advice and an innovative, value added approach to the service we offer our clients.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#5|

How can you offer a Commission Rebate – Why don’t all others offer it?

We don’t know if others offer it or not. But, the truth is that every brokerage or REALTOR® should be able to offer a Rebate if they’re able to reduce their operating costs.

Our brokerage has a completely different business model than many traditional brokerages. Many brokerages and REALTORS® are affiliated with large franchise organizations requiring them to pay costly Franchise Fees, monthly Desk Fees, high Commission Splits with their brokerage and other fees that may limit the flexibility they have when pricing their real estate services.

Our business model is designed to provide all the REALTOR® Services of a tradition brokerage while streamlining overhead costs. This let’s us offer Full Service along with an incredibly competitive commission rate to our sellers and a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our buyer clients.

Give us a call today and we’ll discuss with you our services and give you an estimate as to the amount of Commission Rebate you can expect when you use our services to buy your next home.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#6|

Is it Legal to give me Cash Back or a Commission Rebate?

Absolutely. Some people may not know that The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA 2002) permits the rebating of commission money to anyone that is a party to the real estate transaction. REBBA 2002 is the Act that governs licensed real estate practitioners: Brokerages, Brokers and Sales Representatives. The Act also makes illegal any payments to third parties which are not part of the real estate transaction. In other words, rebating money to a buyer or seller is legal but making a referral payment to an individual for providing a lead or referral is illegal.

Will the Commission Rebate Have any Affect on the Negotiations?

No. It has no affect when we are negotiating the purchase of the home. There is no discussion of the Rebate during negotiations because neither the Seller nor the Seller’s Brokerage is affected by the Rebate. As far as they know, the Buyer’s Brokerage (our Brokerage) will be keeping the entire Commission earned. The Seller would have already factored in the entire commission payable for selling their home when negotiating. No one except the Buyer and our brokerage is required (by law) to know about the fact that we will be providing a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our Buyers.

The Rebate amount only comes from the Commission money earned by the Buyer’s Brokerage. It’s from the Buyer’s Brokerage Commission (out of our share) that the Rebate is paid.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#8|


How much of a Rebate can I expect and How do I Get Started?

As previously mentioned, the Commission Rebate or Cash Back amount depends on the amount of Commission our brokerage earns. The more we earn, the larger your Commission Rebate cheque will be.

Give us a call and we can quickly give you an estimate as to the amount of the Commission Rebate that you’re likely to receive. Then, when you’re ready, you can get in touch with us again and we can arrange to meet and Get Started.

If you’re interested in our Cash Back – Commission Rebate Program*, call today!! Based on your information, we’ll be able to quickly give you an estimate, over the phone, of your total Cash Back Amount. Call us today at (905)525-3311 or email us at info@coronarealty.ca


* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.


Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage
1010 Upper Wentworth Street, Suite 201
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4V9

Phone: 905-525-3311
Fax: 905-388-2080
Email: info@coronarealty.ca

Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage is a Low Commission Real Estate Agent Proudly serving the Hamilton, Ancaster, Burlington, Stoney Creek, Dundas, Grimsby, Caledonia, Smithville, Dunnville, Binbrook, Oakville, St. Catharines and Niagara Areas.

* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by CREA and indentify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA

Copyright (C) Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage 2016 – All Rights Reserved

Homes for Sale Ancaster Ontario | MLS® REALTOR® | Cash Back / Rebate* for Home Buyers | Ancaster |

What is a Commission Rebate or a Cash Back Program when Buying a Home?

Commission Rebates or Cash Back Programs can be structured in various ways and
can apply in different situations. However, it is generally the concept of rewarding
a client for having done business with you or your company. The reward is provided
to the client in the form of a monetary “gift”, “cash back” or “rebate”.

A commission rebate or Cash Back Program basically involves a Brokerage sharing a portion of the commission they earn, for their services, with their buyer client.

In our case, we’ll put it all IN WRITING for you even before we start working to find your next home. And, you can rest assured that our Commission Cash Back/ Rebate* is backed by our Brokerage, not just an individual Sales Representative or Broker.

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Our Cash Back/ Commission Rebate Program* is available for Residential, Commercial and Investment properties.

How does the Commission Rebate / Cash Back* Work?

From what our clients say, it seems to work very well.

Properties that are listed on the MLS® System, or elsewhere, normally offer a “Selling Brokerage Commission” to the REALTOR®/Brokerage that is involved in negotiating a successful sale of the Listed property. Therefore, when we represent you, as a Buyer’s Representative in the purchase of a home, we earn the “Selling Brokerage Commission”.

When we receive this Selling Brokerage Commission, we provide a GENEROUS portion of this Commission Money to our Buyer Client as a gift for having used our services.

Generally, the amount of the Rebate or Cash Back depends on two factors: the price of the property purchased and the Selling Brokerage Commission rate being offered by the Listing Brokerage. These two factors determine the overall Amount of the Commission Money earned by our Brokerage when a property is purchased using our services through our Brokerage. The Higher the overall Amount of the Commission we earn, the higher the amount of the Rebate/Cash Back that we’ll provide to our buyer client.

It’s that simple. It’s like getting paid for something that you would be doing anyways. There’s no extra effort on your part. And, we’ll be providing (at a minimum) the exact same REALTOR® services to help you find and purchase the home you want.

Our Brokerage has been serving our clients in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. We’re always striving to give our clients an advantage when using our services. Our Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* is just one more “advantage” we offer so that our clients get, not only our Professional and Dedicated REALTOR® Service, but also something EXTRA that they may not readily find anywhere else.

It’s just our way of saying, “Thank you for your business.”

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Hire Us and Get Cash Back* when you Buy

Guaranteed in Writing by our Brokerage

You Don’t Need to Settle for an Inexperienced or Part-Time REALTOR® to
Get a substantial Commission Rebate!!

When you buy a home through Corona Realty Inc. and Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record), our Cash Back (Rebate) Program* shares a substantial portion of the commission we earn with you – our home buying client. The best part is that you’ll still receive all the services you’d expect from any other brokerage.

With Andrew, you get a top producing REALTOR® that has worked Full-Time in real estate sales for over 25 years. Our brokerage’s Market Leading, Low Commission Rates and Cash Back Program* are just some of the many reasons to get us working on your side when selling or buying a home.

Remember, we’re a Full Service, MLS®, real estate brokerage. We’ve known for over 20 years now that there is a better way to provide real estate services. Our clients have been taking advantage of our Full Service, Experience, Local Market Knowledge and Innovative Real Estate services since 1995.

Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* – Get Answers to FAQs Below.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Is Corona Realty Inc. a licensed real estate brokerage?

Yes. And, as do most other licensed real estate brokerages in our area, we make full use of the MLS® System to help our buyer clients find homes that meet their specific needs. The MLS® System is the most powerful property marketing system in Canada. The Local MLS® System is a database containing all the homes and properties listed for sale in our geographic area and beyond.

When a property is placed in the Local MLS® System, the listing is then automatically placed on REALTOR.ca, the most visited For Sale, real estate website in Canada. Because the Listing is placed on the local MLS® System FIRST, it may take some time for the information to migrate to the REALTOR.ca website. So, if you are working with a REALTOR®, he/she will be able to provide the listing to you BEFORE it ever hits the REALTOR.ca website.

We’re members of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). All REALTORS® in our area are members of these exact same organizations.

When we help our clients buy or sell, we offer the same representation and services that can legally be offered by any other licensed real estate brokerage.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#4|


Does a Commission Rebate mean less REALTOR® Service?

Absolutely Not! Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record) has been a licensed REALTOR® for over 25 years. Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage has operated in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. When you hire Corona Realty and Andrew you’re assured of getting an experienced Professional with the Qualifications, Experience and Local Market Knowledge required to provide exceptional, results-oriented REALTOR® Service.

The real estate industry has changed. Real Estate information is readily available and can easily be accessed through the internet. As a result, a REALTOR® today must be able to do more than simply provide the same information that a client can find him/herself. A REALTOR® must be able to add value to the process of buying or selling a home AND perform his job in an efficient and effective manner in order to provide outstanding service at an incredibly competitive level.

Over the years, Corona Realty has restructured the entire brokerage in order to be able to provide our clients with outstanding REALTOR® Service while eliminating unnecessary overhead costs. In so doing, we’re able to provide our clients extremely competitive commission rates when selling their homes as well as very Generous Commission Rebates when they are buying a home using our services.

But don’t take our word for it, see what our clients have to say in our TESTIMONIALS page. We’re proud to let our clients tell the story of our dedication and commitment to providing knowledgeable advice and an innovative, value added approach to the service we offer our clients.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#5|

How can you offer a Commission Rebate – Why don’t all others offer it?

We don’t know if others offer it or not. But, the truth is that every brokerage or REALTOR® should be able to offer a Rebate if they’re able to reduce their operating costs.

Our brokerage has a completely different business model than many traditional brokerages. Many brokerages and REALTORS® are affiliated with large franchise organizations requiring them to pay costly Franchise Fees, monthly Desk Fees, high Commission Splits with their brokerage and other fees that may limit the flexibility they have when pricing their real estate services.

Our business model is designed to provide all the REALTOR® Services of a tradition brokerage while streamlining overhead costs. This let’s us offer Full Service along with an incredibly competitive commission rate to our sellers and a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our buyer clients.

Give us a call today and we’ll discuss with you our services and give you an estimate as to the amount of Commission Rebate you can expect when you use our services to buy your next home.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#6|

Is it Legal to give me Cash Back or a Commission Rebate?

Absolutely. Some people may not know that The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA 2002) permits the rebating of commission money to anyone that is a party to the real estate transaction. REBBA 2002 is the Act that governs licensed real estate practitioners: Brokerages, Brokers and Sales Representatives. The Act also makes illegal any payments to third parties which are not part of the real estate transaction. In other words, rebating money to a buyer or seller is legal but making a referral payment to an individual for providing a lead or referral is illegal.

Will the Commission Rebate Have any Affect on the Negotiations?

No. It has no affect when we are negotiating the purchase of the home. There is no discussion of the Rebate during negotiations because neither the Seller nor the Seller’s Brokerage is affected by the Rebate. As far as they know, the Buyer’s Brokerage (our Brokerage) will be keeping the entire Commission earned. The Seller would have already factored in the entire commission payable for selling their home when negotiating. No one except the Buyer and our brokerage is required (by law) to know about the fact that we will be providing a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our Buyers.

The Rebate amount only comes from the Commission money earned by the Buyer’s Brokerage. It’s from the Buyer’s Brokerage Commission (out of our share) that the Rebate is paid.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#8|


How much of a Rebate can I expect and How do I Get Started?

As previously mentioned, the Commission Rebate or Cash Back amount depends on the amount of Commission our brokerage earns. The more we earn, the larger your Commission Rebate cheque will be.

Give us a call and we can quickly give you an estimate as to the amount of the Commission Rebate that you’re likely to receive. Then, when you’re ready, you can get in touch with us again and we can arrange to meet and Get Started.

If you’re interested in our Cash Back – Commission Rebate Program*, call today!! Based on your information, we’ll be able to quickly give you an estimate, over the phone, of your total Cash Back Amount. Call us today at (905)525-3311 or email us at info@coronarealty.ca


* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.


Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage
1010 Upper Wentworth Street, Suite 201
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4V9

Phone: 905-525-3311
Fax: 905-388-2080
Email: info@coronarealty.ca

Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage is a Low Commission Real Estate Agent Proudly serving the Hamilton, Ancaster, Burlington, Stoney Creek, Dundas, Grimsby, Caledonia, Smithville, Dunnville, Binbrook, Oakville, St. Catharines and Niagara Areas.

* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by CREA and indentify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA

Copyright (C) Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage 2016 – All Rights Reserved

Homes for Sale Burlington Ontario | MLS® REALTOR® | Cash Back / Rebate* for Home Buyers | Burlington |

What is a Commission Rebate or a Cash Back Program when Buying a Home?

Commission Rebates or Cash Back Programs can be structured in various ways and
can apply in different situations. However, it is generally the concept of rewarding
a client for having done business with you or your company. The reward is provided
to the client in the form of a monetary “gift”, “cash back” or “rebate”.

A commission rebate or Cash Back Program basically involves a Brokerage sharing a portion of the commission they earn, for their services, with their buyer client.

In our case, we’ll put it all IN WRITING for you even before we start working to find your next home. And, you can rest assured that our Commission Cash Back/ Rebate* is backed by our Brokerage, not just an individual Sales Representative or Broker.

What’s YOUR Cash Back* Amount?

(Submit the form below and we’ll let you know in a few minutes!!)

To find out what the current Cash Back* will be for your specific case, please complete the Form below and we’ll get right back to you with an estimate. Please note that all Estimates are subject to change and will only be “Guaranteed” once we meet and we issue you our “Written Cash Back/Rebate* Guarantee”.

No personal Information Required!!

Questions or Additional Information (Optional):

Where will you Buy (City/Town/Area):
Email Address (Check Spelling):
Price Range to Buy (i.e. 400K to 450K):
Need to Sell current Home? (Yes/No):

Our Cash Back/ Commission Rebate Program* is available for Residential, Commercial and Investment properties.

How does the Commission Rebate / Cash Back* Work?

From what our clients say, it seems to work very well.

Properties that are listed on the MLS® System, or elsewhere, normally offer a “Selling Brokerage Commission” to the REALTOR®/Brokerage that is involved in negotiating a successful sale of the Listed property. Therefore, when we represent you, as a Buyer’s Representative in the purchase of a home, we earn the “Selling Brokerage Commission”.

When we receive this Selling Brokerage Commission, we provide a GENEROUS portion of this Commission Money to our Buyer Client as a gift for having used our services.

Generally, the amount of the Rebate or Cash Back depends on two factors: the price of the property purchased and the Selling Brokerage Commission rate being offered by the Listing Brokerage. These two factors determine the overall Amount of the Commission Money earned by our Brokerage when a property is purchased using our services through our Brokerage. The Higher the overall Amount of the Commission we earn, the higher the amount of the Rebate/Cash Back that we’ll provide to our buyer client.

It’s that simple. It’s like getting paid for something that you would be doing anyways. There’s no extra effort on your part. And, we’ll be providing (at a minimum) the exact same REALTOR® services to help you find and purchase the home you want.

Our Brokerage has been serving our clients in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. We’re always striving to give our clients an advantage when using our services. Our Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* is just one more “advantage” we offer so that our clients get, not only our Professional and Dedicated REALTOR® Service, but also something EXTRA that they may not readily find anywhere else.

It’s just our way of saying, “Thank you for your business.”

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Hire Us and Get Cash Back* when you Buy

Guaranteed in Writing by our Brokerage

You Don’t Need to Settle for an Inexperienced or Part-Time REALTOR® to
Get a substantial Commission Rebate!!

When you buy a home through Corona Realty Inc. and Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record), our Cash Back (Rebate) Program* shares a substantial portion of the commission we earn with you – our home buying client. The best part is that you’ll still receive all the services you’d expect from any other brokerage.

With Andrew, you get a top producing REALTOR® that has worked Full-Time in real estate sales for over 25 years. Our brokerage’s Market Leading, Low Commission Rates and Cash Back Program* are just some of the many reasons to get us working on your side when selling or buying a home.

Remember, we’re a Full Service, MLS®, real estate brokerage. We’ve known for over 20 years now that there is a better way to provide real estate services. Our clients have been taking advantage of our Full Service, Experience, Local Market Knowledge and Innovative Real Estate services since 1995.

Cash Back / Commission Rebate Program* – Get Answers to FAQs Below.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#3|

Is Corona Realty Inc. a licensed real estate brokerage?

Yes. And, as do most other licensed real estate brokerages in our area, we make full use of the MLS® System to help our buyer clients find homes that meet their specific needs. The MLS® System is the most powerful property marketing system in Canada. The Local MLS® System is a database containing all the homes and properties listed for sale in our geographic area and beyond.

When a property is placed in the Local MLS® System, the listing is then automatically placed on REALTOR.ca, the most visited For Sale, real estate website in Canada. Because the Listing is placed on the local MLS® System FIRST, it may take some time for the information to migrate to the REALTOR.ca website. So, if you are working with a REALTOR®, he/she will be able to provide the listing to you BEFORE it ever hits the REALTOR.ca website.

We’re members of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). All REALTORS® in our area are members of these exact same organizations.

When we help our clients buy or sell, we offer the same representation and services that can legally be offered by any other licensed real estate brokerage.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#4|


Does a Commission Rebate mean less REALTOR® Service?

Absolutely Not! Andrew Ielasi (Broker of Record) has been a licensed REALTOR® for over 25 years. Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage has operated in Hamilton and surrounding areas for over 20 years. When you hire Corona Realty and Andrew you’re assured of getting an experienced Professional with the Qualifications, Experience and Local Market Knowledge required to provide exceptional, results-oriented REALTOR® Service.

The real estate industry has changed. Real Estate information is readily available and can easily be accessed through the internet. As a result, a REALTOR® today must be able to do more than simply provide the same information that a client can find him/herself. A REALTOR® must be able to add value to the process of buying or selling a home AND perform his job in an efficient and effective manner in order to provide outstanding service at an incredibly competitive level.

Over the years, Corona Realty has restructured the entire brokerage in order to be able to provide our clients with outstanding REALTOR® Service while eliminating unnecessary overhead costs. In so doing, we’re able to provide our clients extremely competitive commission rates when selling their homes as well as very Generous Commission Rebates when they are buying a home using our services.

But don’t take our word for it, see what our clients have to say in our TESTIMONIALS page. We’re proud to let our clients tell the story of our dedication and commitment to providing knowledgeable advice and an innovative, value added approach to the service we offer our clients.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#5|

How can you offer a Commission Rebate – Why don’t all others offer it?

We don’t know if others offer it or not. But, the truth is that every brokerage or REALTOR® should be able to offer a Rebate if they’re able to reduce their operating costs.

Our brokerage has a completely different business model than many traditional brokerages. Many brokerages and REALTORS® are affiliated with large franchise organizations requiring them to pay costly Franchise Fees, monthly Desk Fees, high Commission Splits with their brokerage and other fees that may limit the flexibility they have when pricing their real estate services.

Our business model is designed to provide all the REALTOR® Services of a tradition brokerage while streamlining overhead costs. This let’s us offer Full Service along with an incredibly competitive commission rate to our sellers and a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our buyer clients.

Give us a call today and we’ll discuss with you our services and give you an estimate as to the amount of Commission Rebate you can expect when you use our services to buy your next home.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#6|

Is it Legal to give me Cash Back or a Commission Rebate?

Absolutely. Some people may not know that The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA 2002) permits the rebating of commission money to anyone that is a party to the real estate transaction. REBBA 2002 is the Act that governs licensed real estate practitioners: Brokerages, Brokers and Sales Representatives. The Act also makes illegal any payments to third parties which are not part of the real estate transaction. In other words, rebating money to a buyer or seller is legal but making a referral payment to an individual for providing a lead or referral is illegal.

Will the Commission Rebate Have any Affect on the Negotiations?

No. It has no affect when we are negotiating the purchase of the home. There is no discussion of the Rebate during negotiations because neither the Seller nor the Seller’s Brokerage is affected by the Rebate. As far as they know, the Buyer’s Brokerage (our Brokerage) will be keeping the entire Commission earned. The Seller would have already factored in the entire commission payable for selling their home when negotiating. No one except the Buyer and our brokerage is required (by law) to know about the fact that we will be providing a Cash Back – Commission Rebate to our Buyers.

The Rebate amount only comes from the Commission money earned by the Buyer’s Brokerage. It’s from the Buyer’s Brokerage Commission (out of our share) that the Rebate is paid.

|Cash Back Rebate when buying home| Home buying Cash Back Rebate| Real Estate| Ontario |Realtor Commission Cash Back Rebate - Image#8|


How much of a Rebate can I expect and How do I Get Started?

As previously mentioned, the Commission Rebate or Cash Back amount depends on the amount of Commission our brokerage earns. The more we earn, the larger your Commission Rebate cheque will be.

Give us a call and we can quickly give you an estimate as to the amount of the Commission Rebate that you’re likely to receive. Then, when you’re ready, you can get in touch with us again and we can arrange to meet and Get Started.

If you’re interested in our Cash Back – Commission Rebate Program*, call today!! Based on your information, we’ll be able to quickly give you an estimate, over the phone, of your total Cash Back Amount. Call us today at (905)525-3311 or email us at info@coronarealty.ca


* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.


Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage
1010 Upper Wentworth Street, Suite 201
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4V9

Phone: 905-525-3311
Fax: 905-388-2080
Email: info@coronarealty.ca

Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage is a Low Commission Real Estate Agent Proudly serving the Hamilton, Ancaster, Burlington, Stoney Creek, Dundas, Grimsby, Caledonia, Smithville, Dunnville, Binbrook, Oakville, St. Catharines and Niagara Areas.

* Cash Back/Commission Rebate Offer valid only through Andrew Ielasi, Broker of Record of Corona Realty Inc., Brokerage. Certain conditions Apply. Commission rates or Rebates may vary from brokerage to brokerage.

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by CREA and indentify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA

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